Friday, April 30, 2010

The Last Wish

He lay outstretched on the barren ground,
Surrounded by carcass of war;
Blood strewn corpses tread the once beautiful soil,
The culmination of many a soldier's toil.
A solitary tear for his widowed mother,
for he knew his end was near...

His wounds wept red;
Blood more precious than an alchemist's stone,
And as the sun's rays kissed-
his young and handsome face
And the task left undone dawned upon him,
the legacy of his father that had to be followed

A few paces apart lay his country's flag;
And Trudge did he towards it with new found vigor,
A battered rifle was all he could find
To hoist his precious tricolour;
With what was left did he muster a salute,
And as bliss broke upon his face
He entered an eternal sleep.

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